Daring Forward
Daring Forward is a show that explores what it means to courageously pursue a meaningful and purpose filled business and life. Hosted by Sahar Twesigye, the episodes are a mix between bite-size business lessons and inspiring interviews with ordinary women doing extraordinary things. From female entrepreneurs and creatives to leading women, authors and other inspirational individuals, we delve into how they overcame tremendous adversities to achieve massive success in work, business and life. We cover entrepreneurship, business, marketing and leadership to motherhood, relationships, faith and marriage. Tune in on Tuesdays every fortnight and get ready to walk away with practical lessons and action steps to help you Live Courageously and Dare Forward.
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Do you long to make a positive change and impact in your community or the world? We often think that the only way to do that is to donate our hard earned money to charities or to volunteer. But what if you could create a business where being profitable and making an impact could coexist?
Our guest in today’s episode shares with us what it means to build an impact driven business and put people and sustainability at the forefront of your business strategy.
We talk about what it takes to build a startup hospitality business from scratch, the challenges of focusing on making a social and environmental impact as a business, how to put on your problem solving hat on and so much more!
Today’s guest is Bridget Callaghan, founder of the multi-award winning pizzeria, Well Kneaded in London, winning awards for environmental sustainability, women in food for employing young people on the margins, and 2022’s entrepreneur of the year for Wandsworth enterprise awards.
With nothing but £5000 in savings in startup capital, she was dead set on starting a food business with the sole purpose of helping unemployed young people with disadvantaged backgrounds find work and build a better future.
How to connect with Bridget:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wellkneadedfood/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wellkneadedwagon
Website: https://www.wellkneadedfood.com/menu
Learn more about Daring Forward: http://www.daringforward.com/
Win the Ultimate Online Business Mega Bundle Giveaway!: https://www.sahartwesigye.com/mega-bundle-giveaway
Join our exclusive Facebook community, Daring Forward Insiders: https://www.facebook.com/groups/daringforwardinsiders
Want to learn how to show up online and serve your audience with clarity, confidence and without the constant battle with self doubt? Sign up for my free Social Media Manifesto Printable:
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Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Don’t start an online business before you do this one thing Ep.11
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Many aspiring entrepreneurs, approach business like this. Come up with a brilliant idea, ask a couple of friends for feedback, buy a domain name and then launch. When you start a business this way you end up missing a HUGE piece that accounts for at least 70% of your business success and that is finding a profitable niche. So in this episode, you’ll learn 7 guaranteed ways to find a lucrative online business niche so you don’t have to worry about investing in a business idea that ends up costing you when it comes to your time and money.
Listen to '10 cringe worthy mistakes of starting an online business' on Apple Podcasts
Learn more about Daring Forward: http://www.daringforward.com/
Win the Ultimate Online Business Mega Bundle Giveaway!: https://www.sahartwesigye.com/mega-bundle-giveaway
Join our exclusive Facebook community, Daring Forward Insiders: https://www.facebook.com/groups/daringforwardinsiders
Want to learn how to show up online and serve your audience with clarity, confidence and without the constant battle with self doubt? Sign up for my free Social Media Manifesto Printable:
Find Sahar on social:
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
What you think you know about shaping culture is wrong with Raj Khaira Ep. 10
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Is it possible to shape culture as an individual? And is it possible to shift entrenched, long standing core beliefs of a community or organisation?
Our guest today, shares how she’s transforming her community in the hopes of leaving a lasting impact.
We talk about strategies to challenge and shape culture, the reality of leading a movement, sexism, monetising activist work and so much more.
Raj Khaira is a lawyer, author, anti-oppression activist and is one of few ethnic minority women in the UK to have held a role in the c-suite of a tech company.
Raj is also the founder of the globally acclaimed, award winning campaign, the Pink Ladoo Project, which is a global gender equality campaign by encouraging South Asian families in the diaspora to abandon sexist customs and celebrate girls' births. The campaign has inspired the celebration of the birth of thousands of girls in South Asian communities across the world.
In addition to that, Raj launched southasiantherapists.org, the world’s first global directory of South Asian therapists in June 2020 in the height of the pandemic which quickly became the largest South Asian mental health community in the world.
Her first book, Stories for South Asian Supergirls, was published in May 2019 and was selected as Children's Book of the Week and Children's Book of the Month by the Times and the Guardian. Volume 2 of Supergirls will be releasing in 2024.
How to connect with Raj:
Find Raj on LinkedIn
Pink Ladoo’s IG
South Asian Therapists IG
South Asian Therapists Website
Grab Raj's book - Stories for South Asian Supergirls on Amazon {affiliate link}: https://amzn.to/3fILSfz
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Instagram vs Pinterest? Which one is better for your business? Ep. 9
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
What’s the difference between using Instagram vs Pinterest? And which one is actually better for your business?
I get so many questions from entrepreneurs who are on Instagram and want to jump on Pinterest but are on the fence because they don’t know or understand how Pinterest works or how the platforms differ.
Whether you’re on Instagram and wondering if the grass is greener on Pinterest or vice versa, stick around and I’ll compare the 2 platforms to help you figure out which one is right for you.
Links to Check Out:
Want to learn how to show up online and serve your audience with clarity, confidence and without the constant battle with self doubt? Sign up for my free Social Media Manifesto Printable: The Social Media Manifesto
Join our exclusive Facebook community, Daring Forward Insiders
Website: http://www.daringforward.com/
Find Sahar on social:
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
How to become your true authentic self with Dr. Alison Cook Ep.8
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
How do you put a stop to painful patterns that keep recurring in your life?
How do you trust yourself to make wise decisions even in difficult circumstances?
How do you find your voice and speak up for yourself while still being kind?
In today’s episode, our guest is a therapist who’s specialised in the integration of both theology and psychology and is the author of the new book: The Best of You, where she reveals her breakthrough strategies to discover your true self, find your voice, set wise limits, and still be a loving person.
Dr. Alison Cook is a psychologist for over two decades and writer who has earned the trust of thousands of women through her practical, wise, and compassionate approach to becoming a whole person. Her popular blog and podcast reach over 50,000 women each week. For over two decades, she has helped women heal from past wounds, develop a strong sense of self, forge healthy relationships with others, and embrace the holy, sacred work of becoming their true selves in God.
How to connect with Dr. Alison:
Learn more about Dr. Alison Cook: https://www.dralisoncook.com/
Boundaries for Women Course
Best of You Book releases in the UK this month
Alison's Facebook
Alison's IG
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
How to turn your purpose into profit in 11 practical steps Ep. 7
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Ah the age old question ‘how do I find my purpose’? It’s a loaded question which can send you into an overthinking spiral. I know I have before and its something that I’ve wrestled with for a long time. But in today’s episode, we are going to simplify the whole process so that you move from overthinking to action taking, and more importantly how to turn your purpose into profit.
Links to Check Out:
The Social Media Manifesto
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Join our exclusive Facebook community, Daring Forward Insiders
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Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
If you’ve ever thought ‘it’s too late for me’ then this episode is especially for you. Today I’m joined by an incredible guest where we talk about how you can in fact have it all, but maybe not all at once.
Allyson Reneau is the biological mother to 11 children who graduated from Harvard university in US Space Policy at the age of 50. She has also worked with NASA, is a gymnast coach to Olympic hopefuls, a No1 Amazon author, internationally sought speaker and successful entrepreneur. Oh and she’s also a pilot, Juilliard pianist and horse rides.
I just have one question for her. How?
How to connect with Allyson:
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
7 foolproof steps for business success Ep. 5
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Nope, it's not too late to start an online business. And nope the market is not saturated. There’s still SO much room for you.
Today I want to walk you through 7 simple steps that you need to take in order to successfully start an online business. These are high level principles that won’t stop trending anytime soon, and anyone with an internet connection can start implementing with immediate effect.
Links to Check Out:
The Social Media Manifesto
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Join our exclusive Facebook community, Daring Forward Insiders
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